Woolworths Warm-up

Helping to keep you injury-free

Below you will find a quick 5-minute warm up routine to use before you start work. The warm up is designed to get your body moving and uses some basic strengthening and mobility exercises to get you ready for the day’s work.

Your warm-up routine:

  1. Band raises at 45 degrees x 8

  2. Standing rotations x 8 each side

  3. Horizontal pull aparts with band x 8

  4. Squat x 8

  5. Hamstring stretch x 30secs each side

  6. Static lunge x 8 each side

  7. Calf stretch x 30s each side

Your warm up is designed to get your body moving and prepared for the task demands for work. Move through comfortable range of motion and choose a resistance band that is suitable to your strength.